Monday, September 12, 2011

Radiohead Nostaligia

     Can you recall that exact feeling you felt when you first heard a song that would change your life forever? I was just a pup when my eldest sister was dating a hard core rock fanatic which then heavily influenced her taste in music. Up until this point I listened to hip-hop, r&b, and held an appreciation for artists like Eric Clapton and Van Morrison (Thanks to my father).  I had eventually gotten a hold of her Amnesiac CD, pressed play and within a few minutes my perception of music was shattered. I was obsessed. I fell in love with Mister Thom Yorke and the genius musical styling of Radiohead

Image via: The Cover Lovers
The reedy lament of his voice made me feel solace for the first time; solace for experiences and knowledge way beyond my years. At the tender age of thirteen they quickly became my favorite band. Thanks to them I have found my niche in song choices in which I sang and have been introduced to an ever-abounding list of musical artistry.

The legendary band has since release albums following Amnesiac, Hail to the Thief (2003) and In Rainbows(2007) (both of which have served as the sound track of my journey to semi-adulthood). Front man, Thom Yorke released solo project, The Eraser, in 2007 and has endeavored into guest dj-ing, eccentric dancing, and environmental concerns.

With their latest release, King of Limbs (February 2011), they have shown and proven to be THE most musically intellectual band in my book.  They will forever be the band that you’ll never regret skipping school for, the band that you can put on loop for a full 24 hours and never tire of, and the band that you and your best friend find common grounds when engaging in musical discussion. It’s amazing what a rock band can do. Happy Muse Monday! 

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