Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hello, Arsenal!

My love for the turquoise stone is evident. I don’t necessarily like the color because I don’t see it echoed in my wardrobe.

                          (Necklaces: Gifts  Rings:Thrift)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Magician in Her Own Right

Artist: Bjork


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My current fondness for this triptych was once for a mighty pentagon

Welcome readers! I plan to put my best efforts into providing inspiration for you: verbal, visual, and melodic. In the year 2010, it has become difficult for me to see beauty for its purity and craft for its quality. I believe I’ll rediscover these ideas before I graduate. The following posts will exhibit my substancial yet eccentric jewelry collection.

     These beautiful metal workings no longer belong to me and I can only hope that they’re in the hands (on the fingers, quite literally) of an appreciative being. I lost them a few months ago, but prior to that day it was ritual for me to reach for the pair. Those rings didn’t define me, but they were objects that I identified myself with, as well as my peers. They were a piece of my original penchant for jewelry.

To the future’s discoveries, our past’s progress, and the present’s presence!